Sunday, October 5, 2008


Good day everyone! It's been quite a while, so I'll recap....

I headed back for R and R soon after I arrived in Al Asad, and spent some very precious moments with my family. In some ways, it was as if I just got home from work, and we picked up where we left off....the miracle of a wonderful family. I returned here as the NMCB's were turning over, and I've met the newest bunch. Camp RJ still has the hometown feel, where you're greeted in the morning with the sun and a smile.
I was able to finish putting my hooch (home) together, and here's some snaps below:

About a month after my return, the Air Force sponsored a 1/2 and a full marathon, so I gave the 1/2 marathon a shot. What a positive experience! There wasn't any type of competitive mentality or was just Shipmates having a good time where they could. It was progress, not ego. And wouldn't you know it, the Marines are running a "shadow" marathon here at the end of the month, known as the Marine Corps Marathon (Forward). I'm looking forward to this next challenge!

Lastly, the heat out here is much more manageable...and we are well out of the triple-digits.

To everyone that has written in, thanks much for your thoughts and encouragement.

2/3rds DONE.




SZH said...

We are so proud of you! Love the pics too! We miss you, and will be cheering for you at the Marathon!

Love, BF and PP

Mad Dog said...

Congrats on FMF!!! Welcome to the brotherhood!